Newstead Primary School provides a warm, caring and safe learning environment for the children of our country town and community.
The School has a strong focus on connecting with the school community as well as the wider district community.
NPS has a highly active group of Parents and Friends who engage with school programmes and contribute to fundraising activities.
NPS plays a vital role in the local community.
Our school encourages parents to take an active role in their child’s education in a variety of ways, including formal and informal discussions of children’s progress, participation in class programmes, plus excursions and camps, being members of the school council and community relations committee and by maintaining contact in a variety of media.
The school grounds are extensive with a variety of play spaces, and natural and cultivated areas.
A school bus service is available for students who reside at least 4.8 km. from the school on the current bus route. Please contact the school if your child/ren require bus travel. If a student will be absent from school, if would be helpful to the bus driver if parents could inform the school.
The Victorian Curriculum is the framework that supports and informs all curriculum planning at Newstead Primary School. A school-wide approach is adopted to design a clear scope and sequence as a continuum across all learning areas. There is a strong focus on English and Mathematics.
A number of programs underpin the school’s approach to the development of student well being.
Newstead Primary has a strong focus on literacy and numeracy.
In the senior classes students are taught strategies to understand text features and the language devices of texts. Students make personal responses to texts, interpret, analyse and use comprehension strategies to interpret and analyse information and ideas, comparing content from a variety of textual sources including media and digital texts.
The school prides itself on the great range and diversity of camps and excursions that it offers its students annually.
The NPS Principal manages the day to day operations of the school. The Principal leads the development of teaching and learning programs, appoints permanent teachers and determines class sizes and structure. The Principal manages all matters of student wellbeing and academic progress.
The School Council is a legally elected body of people that has a role setting the long term future of the School and maintaining oversight (but not management) of the School's operation. The Newstead School Council comprises of teachers (Education Department representatives), the Principal, a community member and elected parents. They meet once a month and report back to the general school community via the school newsletter and Annual Report.
Consistent with DET requirements NPS prepares a three year Strategic Plan and Annual Implementation Plans.
We encourage new families to contact the school to answer any questions regarding enrolments at Newstead Primary School, to arrange a school tour or to become part of the school community.
Currently, due to restrictions, we are not able to offer a tour of the school but please contact us on 03 5476 2226 to ask any questions about our wonderful school.
It is a school policy and a requirement that students wear school uniform each day.